A Foray Into Serverless Development
This retrospective covers some details regarding my project that forwards SMSes sent to a specific Twilio number to a Slack channel. The repository for this post can be found on Github.
Conway's Game of Life Brought to Life
I wanted to spruce up this blog a bit and thought that having a generated background would be a nice addition. My first thought was to have a graphical representation of several steps of Conway’s Game of Life (Conway’s Game of Life is a popular cellular automaton; see the wikipedia article for more information).
Git-Flow Gym
My choice of version control system recently changed from Mercurial to Git. As part of this change I decided that there’s no better time than the present to move to a proper branching strategy (and in doing so replacing my god-branch “strategy” – which is not an actual branching strategy; I was merely using a single branch for all my commits). I’ve since been meaning to start using Git-Flow and decided that an effective way to cement this workflow into my day-to-day commits would be create a Git-Flow Gym.
Spring Cleaning
I’ve spent the last 5 years as, what I consider to be, a generalist. A developer of assorted get-it-done skills which included using some PHP, some Java, some CSS, some MySQL, etc. (someone with more self-assurance would call themselves a full-stack developer). I’ve now taken on a mission to change this; to change from being a generalist to being a versatilist.